Sunday, 10 February 2013

"Στην πόλη των πουλιών"

I'm calling this done for now.. would like to go back and fix a couple of things in the foreground layer and refine it a bit more.. also the foreground outline is a bit too strong.. hopefully I will get some time after my uni assignments are over for the term.. too many things to do! 
I am quite happy with the colour palette I've chosen though, gives a good balance and just the right mood :)
...and some rough tonal thumbs before I went in with colour...

Saturday, 2 February 2013

"Στηv πόλη των πουλιών"

πίεση και καταπίεση! ta simantika omos einai sta mikra pragmata. ti kai an den eimaste oso talantantouxoi tha thelame? ti kai an alloi einai panta kaliteroi apo emas? ti kai an niothoume ilithioi pou  mas pernei perissoteri ora na katalavoume kapia pragmata psilovareta kai stegna! ti kai an sto telos tis imeras den kaname afto pou tha thelame na kanoume! ta simantika einai sta mikra, einai stous dikous mas anthropous kai stis mikroplakitses metaksi filon, sta atoma pou pethimisame, se mia tainia pou mas allakse ton tropo skepsis, se mia kouventa ipostiriksis apo tin mana mas ...tote giati kolloume? kai giati piezoume tous eaftous mas na kanoume pragmata pou den mas aresoun? kai giati sigkrinoume tous eaftous mas akoma  kai meso facebook?! kai giati na niotho tipsis pou thelo ena diimero ksekourasis!

"Στην πόλη των πουλιών"(work in progress, ακόμα ένα που μπορεί και να μην τελειώσω)