Thursday, 19 July 2012

"Dear Kat, thanks for taking a break! Lots of love, Your body!"

Long time no post! I have been very busy with graduating, helping with the grad show, BFI, moving and sorting out my MA applications and house for next year... rushing to Norway for a wedding and now finally back in Cyprus for the rest of the summer! I took a couple of weeks off, doing absolutely nothing, mostly catching up with family. My body (still trying to recover from a very VERY intense third year) has been very grateful for this :)  ...feeling a bit lazy now and should start getting back into doing some work. I have some personal projects on the way which I feel very excited for!!

these sketchbook pages are just something to get the blog up and running again.. Tom and Ricky are two of the Calarts students we met in Annecy while queuing for a screening.Well, we didn't make the screening after all but these guys were fun and nice to talk to! Good luck u guys, hope to see u again!